Strengthening Leaders
Serving Communities and Community Leaders

Leadership Development
KPHI staff and faculty have delivered the Kentucky Population Health Leadership Institute
For over 20 years, equipping and empowering community leaders to expand partnerships and critical linkages to serve the needs of their communities.
Leadership Wellspring is offered to leaders across the country to come together in teams working on critical health and community involvement issues and programs. Utilizing revised content from our 20 years of leadership development through KPHLI and the National Environmental Public Health Leadership Institute we provide the tools and support to leverage leadership and implement successful programs and policies.
Program Design and Evaluation
KPHI experienced evaluators assist in program planning, grant applications and developing comprehensive evaluation plans critical for continued support and funding.

Conferences, Seminars, Facilitation and Training
We offer conferences, webinars, and seminars. See our Facebook and twitter feeds for event updates. The Annual Children’s Environmental Health Conference, Health Equity Summits and Leadership Summits are a few of our annual offeriengs.